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💡Must-read de la semaine
Chaque semaine, je publie un must-read, que vous choisissez.
👉Construire une entreprise moderne par Tobi Lutke, le co-fondateur et PDG de Shopify (Invest Like the Best, EP.173)
What does quality mean?
Quality is a sort of a hard concept because it's not quantifiable.
This is partly why it's so hard to manage for the business world of today because there is this sort of disease where everything needs to be quantifiable, if it can't be stated in an OKR then apparently it doesn't exist.
And so, it ends up being a nebulous concept. A lot of people don't like it as a concept just because again: how do I create the checklist to figure out if it is a quality product? Well, you don't, you make it, you use it and you understand the problem it's trying to solve and then you make a judgment.
It's like does this feel right? It's partly the way it looks and partly the way it talks to you. It's everything from the frame rate of animations to the copywriting to the precision of illustrations, and all the way down to the architecture.
J’adore cette notion de qualité, et à quel point c’est difficile de la définir. C’est une discussion que nous avons très souvent chez Alan : comment mesure-t-on le delight ? En fait, c’est très difficile, et ce n’est pas parce qu’on ne sait pas mesurer qu’il ne faut pas travailler dessus. C’est l’intuition de qu’est-ce que la qualité d’un produit qui fait la différence.
Building context inside of a company and making it scale
Shopify is about 6,000 people and it's a high context company. To be very successful at Shopify, you kind of have to understand the thinking of Shopify and it's one of the most important things for us.
We host a weekly podcast within Shopify, which is internal only context, and literally the topic is “let's go back to Major decisions and talk about all the comparables that we have considered and how did it work out?“.
Because again, you only ever get the result for a decision with hindsight and there's of course the hindsight bias so everyone says “oh we should have known this”.
Shopify is a default to open company, so like which really means that by default everything is shared but it's not a context through push company, what that means is it is your own job to get the information outside of your direct line of work, what you think is relevant for you to build up your understanding.
This is a very clearly communicated piece of information to people in fact during the hiring process. They say “you will do better if you have a little bit of archaeology tendencies and it's an important part of being successful here”. Setting the expectation is really important.
La culture de la transparence est très similaire à celle d’Alan. Chez nous, on parle de “public-first” et “lead with context”. En effet, il faut savoir être un bon archéologue, savoir chercher la bonne information, supprimer ses notifications, pour être performant chez Alan. Il est très important d’être explicite sur ses valeurs durant le processus de recrutement.
🏯Construire une entreprise
En plus d’articles triés sur le volet, je partage un principe de leadership d’Alan par semaine. Le même que je partage en interne et à nos investisseurs tous les mercredis.
👉Rendre toute l’information accessible (Healthy Business)
Nous sommes très transparents en interne, car nous sommes convaincus que chaque Alaner conservera les informations à l'intérieur de l'entreprise. Ce que nous partageons entre Alaners ne peut pas être partagé à l'extérieur. Il faut un haut niveau de confiance pour cela.
Pourquoi procéder ainsi ? Nous sommes des défenseurs de l’optimisation globale (faire confiance à l’équipe, donner toutes les informations nécessaires pour réussir et être transparent) plutôt que de l’optimisation locale (avoir des conversations privées pour éviter une fuite).
👉 La courbe de marché (“Market Curve”) pour comprendre à qui on s’adresse et comment définir son marché accessible (Sequoia)
For the best pitches, it’s clear the founders have an intuitive understanding of the problem and how their product will be a novel solution loved by users.
The simplest and most important way to think about market size is (a) how many potential customers are there and (b) what might each customer be worth to you.
“Two questions, please — what % of the Fortune 2000 will ultimately buy this product? And how much will they be worth to you on average?”
Zoom is unusual in that it now basically serves all markets, but it helps show the power of having a viral, bottoms-up product in the enterprise — they have almost three orders of magnitude more customers than a typical enterprise-focused vendor.
👉Ne pas prendre peur à la première coupure et comment ne pas sur-réagir à tout (Signal vs. Noise)
Many policies are organizational scar tissue — codified overreactions to situations that are unlikely to happen again.
The second something goes wrong, the natural tendency is to create a policy. “Someone’s wearing shorts!? We need a dress code!” No, you don’t. You just need to tell John not to wear shorts again.
So don’t scar on the first cut. Don’t create a policy because one person did something wrong once. Policies are only meant for situations that come up over and over again.
🗞Dans l’actu
📱Monde des technologies
👉Tony Hsieh, le fondateur de Zappos, et un des pionniers sur les sujets de la culture d’entreprise est décédé, après une lente chute aux enfers (Forbes)
👉Netflix : Ted Sarandos parle de Streaming, de Compétition, et de ce qui pourrait venir après (Aspen Institute)
Comment ils ont lancé leur premier show.
Recruter des stars et leur faire confiance.
Etre concentré sur un seul problème.
👉Salesforce acquiert Slack pour plus de 27 Md$ (CNBC)
Cette acquisition intervient après celles de Tableau (15,3 Md$, 2019) et MuleSoft (6,5 Md$, 2018).
L’accord crée aussi une nouvelle zone de compétition entre Salesforce et Microsoft, en plus de la vente de logiciels, de la visualisation de données et d’outils de productivité.
🏥 Santé
👉GoodRx a levé 1,1 Md$ lors de son entrée en bourse, à une valorisation de 12.,7 Md$ (Fierce)
That boosted the consumer healthcare technology firm's market cap to about $12.7 billion.
The startup helps consumers find deals on their prescription medications.
The past 12 months has been the year of the healthcare IPO with companies including Livongo, Phreesia, Health Catalyst, Change Healthcare, Progyny, One Medical, Accolade and GoHealth all testing the public market
Last year, GoodRx reported revenues of $388 million, up 55% from $250 million in 2018. The company pulled in $66 million in profits in 2019, up 50% from $43 million the previous year.
The majority of the company's revenue, 97%, comes from its prescription offering in which it collects fees from pharmacy benefit managers when consumers use a GoodRx code to fill a prescription.
The company started in 2011 with a price comparison tool for prescriptions, offering consumers free access to lower prices on their medication. With the acquisition of telemedicine company HeyDoctor in September 2019, GoodRx expanded its services to include virtual care.
The company's philanthropic arm, GoodRx Helps, helps provide medications to people across America who have nowhere else to turn.
👉Walmart s’associe à la startup Clover pour proposer des plans Medicare dans l’État de Géorgie (MedcityNews)
A new health insurance plan will include Walmart’s Health Centers as a feature. The retailer is teaming up with insurance startup Clover to offer Medicare Advantage plans across the state of Georgia.
💚 Alan
👉Alan en Belgique (LN24) : j’étais hier sur la matinale des News 24, à Bruxelles, pour parler d’Alan et d’Healthy Business avec l’excellente Catarina Letor !
👉IT Link témoigne de son expérience chez Alan (alantémoignages) : Cécile Chopinet, RH chez IT Link, et Nora Marcon, Account Manager chez Alan, vous racontent comment parvenir à faire de la santé un levier d’engagement et non une “simple” obligation légale.
C’est déjà fini. Bonne semaine et à vous de jouer maintenant ! Invitez vos amis à s’inscrire👇
Et écrivez-moi pour en parler, sur Linkedin ou sur Twitter. Les JCNews sont aussi disponibles sur le Blog Alan.