Chaque semaine, je partage quelques articles que j’ai trouvés particulièrement enrichissants. J’espère qu’ils vous aideront autant qu’ils m’ont aidé.
Avec Alan, nous continuons à travailler énormément sur le COVID19. Pour apporter notre contribution dans la crise, nous sommes très fiers de lancer cette semaine “Coup de pouce”, un service gratuitement ouvert à tous pour vous accompagner pendant cette période particulière. Vous pourrez vous informer sur le Coronavirus et prendre soin de vous (une téléconsultation prise en charge, 2 mois de méditation offerts,...).
Bonne lecture !
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🏯 Construire une entreprise
Comment utiliser le “second-order thinking” pour prendre des meilleures décisions (Farnam Street)
A core component of making great decisions is understanding the rationale behind previous decisions. If we don’t understand how we got “here,” we run the risk of making things much worse.
Second-order thinking is the practice of not just considering the consequences of our decisions but also the consequences of those consequences.
Their (ndlr: people who made the decision in the past) reasons for making certain choices might be more complex than they seem at first. It’s best to assume they knew things we don’t or had experience we can’t fathom
Do not remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place. ... Fences are built by people who carefully planned them out and “had some reason for thinking the fence would be a good thing for somebody.” Until we establish that reason, we have no business taking an ax to it. The reason might not be a good or relevant one; we just need to be aware of what the reason is.
Unless we know why someone made a decision, we can’t safely change it or conclude that they were wrong.
There’s certainly nothing positive about being resistant to any change. Things become out of date and redundant with time.
Interesting example: Eager to make an immediate difference, the new CFO starts looking for ways to cut costs so they can point to how they’re saving the company money. They take a look at the free snacks and sodas offered to employees and calculate how much they cost per year—perhaps a few thousand dollars. After all, they’re paying people enough. They can buy their own sodas. ... The original employees who helped the company grow initially notice the change and realize things are not how they were before. Of course they can afford to buy their own sodas. But suddenly having to is just an unmissable sign that the company’s culture is changing, which can be enough to prompt the most talented people to jump ship.
10 habitudes pour prendre des décisions difficiles (Gibson Biddle)
Poser des questions, former un opinion et s’engager dans le débat : “Halfway through the argument, he’d stop them and ask them to flip positions. This drill forced each leader to listen to the other’s case, knowing they might be asked to switch sides again.”
Prendre des décisions provisoires : “Ask yourself, “What does my gut say?” Frame your opinion based on your initial instinct, then ask what additional information you need to make a final decision. Last, outline a timeline to get the missing data to make the decision.” (lisez l’exemple sur Netflix et Redbox)
Obtenez la donnée : existing data, qualitative research, surveys, A/B tests.
Prenez des décisions avec 70% de la donnée : “Deciding with less data means you’re likely ill-informed, but searching for more information requires far too much time."
Et bien d’autres choses à lire !
📱Monde des technologies
Lettre de Jeff Bezos aux Amazonians (Blog) :
I’m sad to tell you I predict things are going to get worse before they get better.
Masks remain in short supply globally and are at this point being directed by governments to the highest-need facilities like hospitals and clinics.
There is no instruction manual for how to feel at a time like this, and I know this causes stress for everyone.
💪 Développement personnel
Article de 2001 sur quand écouter ses intuitions (“guts”) (HBR)
Often, your gut is just plain wrong—because it’s subject to biases. For instance, we usually overestimate our abilities—failing to get feedback on our decision-making mistakes, and therefore not learning from them. And we conveniently forget about the times when trusting our guts led to poor decisions.
Don’t fall in love with your decisions.
“Often there is absolutely no way that you could have the time to thoroughly analyze every one of the options or alternatives available to you,” says Larsen. “So you have to rely on your business judgment.”
Our emotions and feelings play a crucial role by helping us filter various possibilities quickly, even though our conscious mind might not be aware of the screening.
“Intuition and judgment are simply analyses frozen into habit.”
Cross-indexing: indeed, the ability to see similar patterns in disparate fields is what elevates a person’s intuitive skills from good to sublime.
Instincts are often plain wrong ... For example, we will often take unnecessary risks to recover a loss—the classic gambler’s syndrome.
🏥 Santé
Google a présenté un test de dépistage en Californie via sa filiale Verily (TechCrunch). Cela pose quelques questions sur l’usage des données.
Partager sa localisation pour savoir avec qui on a été en contact et qui aurait le Covid19 ? (Fast Company). Des chercheurs bossent là-dessus, avec tous les risques de privacy que cela comporte. A comparer avec un lock-down complet.
Apparemment la baisse de pollution en Chine sauvera plus de vies que ce que le Coronavirus n’en a pris (Nouvel Ob).
Quand l’urgence permet d’aller plus vite : la NHS fait un appel d’offre en 48h pour la téléconsultation (Digital Health).
💚 Les publications d’Alan et sur Alan
Challenges et Maddyness publient des articles sur notre “Coup de Pouce”. 1 M€ pour aider à traverser le Coronavirus investis dans notre produit gratuit, sans engagement et accessible à tous qui aide à gérer Covid19.
Bonne semaine et bonne lecture à tous!