Chaque semaine, je partage quelques articles que j’ai trouvés particulièrement enrichissants. J’espère qu’ils vous aideront autant qu’ils m’ont aidé.
Cette semaine, COVID and cascading collapses, les conseil de Brian Chesky d’Airbnb, les Fintech Product Managers.
Certains articles sont en français, la plupart sont en anglais (je copie certaines citations en anglais). Ils ne sont pas tous récents et vont au rythme de mes lectures.
Bonne lecture !
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📱Monde des technologies
👉COVID and cascading collapses (Ben Evans) :
Blackberry unit sales carried on rising for four years after the iPhone launch - in fact they went up 6x. It took time for Apple to build the route to market and the software features that would let it take over in the enterprise, and time for the market to work that out.
We’ve been talking about the ‘retail apocalypse’ for a year or two now, as the internet reached a level of penetration that made those fixed costs unsustainable and consumer behaviour peeled off more and more of the bundle.
Where TV viewing is now moving, the TV ad model has seemed to be storing up its inevitability for the future.
🏯 Construire une entreprise
👉Fintech Product Managers (a16z) : In the ensuing years, we’ve seen fintech move from a specialized vertical, like lenders and challenger banks, to a more generalized horizontal (every company is a fintech company).
Will they love it?
Most product managers mistakenly focus on functional outcomes. It’s actually much easier to impact users’ cognitive and emotional outcomes.
How will this feature serve the consumer’s emotional, cognitive, and functional needs? Here are the differences :
Emotional: I feel better about an aspect of my financial life.
Cognitive: I better understand an aspect of my financial life.
Functional: I see tangible change in my financial life, such as more money, less expensive debt, or better credit.
Will they be surprised?
Fintech products still face a higher bar for adoption than other types of consumer internet products.
👉Brian Chesky d’Airbnb : La crise nous pousse à nous concentrer sur nos racines (Master of Scale)
Originally we didn't know how long this crisis was going to be. I first thought it would be a few months, and all of a sudden I thought, in the middle of a crisis, the best thing you can do is be super pessimistic and be wrong than be optimistic and be wrong.
We mobilized 30,000 hosts in our host community and they sent more than 100,000 emails and phone calls to members of Congress.
The emotions you have are contagious, and if I was optimistic and said "We're going to get through this," and said, "You know what, we're going to be better because of this. In every crisis is an opportunity to make you stronger.
And then suddenly what used to take $10,000 dollars to do takes $100,000 or a million dollars. There's something about a crisis, about constraints. Constraints create creativity. If it hadn't been for constraints, I probably wouldn't have done half the creative things I did, and I told our employees actually at the last meeting, that this was bringing us back in time. But this was like a new chapter, a founding of a new chapter, and that we were going to be scrappy again.
We need to simplify how we're run, so we can move very, very quickly. And what we're going to focus on is anything that makes us different." I told the team, "Let's make a list of everything we're doing and at the top of the list, we're going to double down to the things that make us most different."
💪 Développement personnel
👉Howard Marks on uncertainty (Oaktree) :
If you’ve never experienced something before, you can’t say you know how it’s going to turn out
No one can succeed in predicting things that are heavily influenced by randomness and otherwise inconsistent
“No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all of your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future” Ian E. Wilson (former Chairman of GE)
Our view of the future is highly reflective of our biases
Worry sharpens your focus
Intellectual humility means saying “I’m not sure”, “The other person could be right”...
🏥 Santé
👉Pour un statut unique des médecins (Les Echos) :
Nombre d’entre eux, notamment la jeune génération, souhaitent des conditions d’exercice rénovées, qui correspondent à leurs souhaits.
Les 215.000 médecins français, selon les statistiques 2016 de leur Conseil de l’Ordre, se répartissent en trois grandes catégories : les salariés, qui représentent 46 % des effectifs, les libéraux (44 %) et ceux qui ont une activité mixte (10 %).
Et les voilà brusquement devenus ennemis quasi irréductibles, les uns libéraux ayant opté pour l’argent et le risque, les autres pour le service public et la sécurité, selon une présentation outrancière complaisamment diffusée.
La nouvelle organisation des soins qu’appellent à juste titre les patients oblige donc à une modification des modes de rémunération
Il faudrait donc instituer un passeport « rémunération globale » libérale et/ou publique. Les coopérations entre hôpitaux et cliniques notamment, même si leur nombre croît, battant en brèche l’impression fausse trop souvent colportée d’une concurrence sans merci entre secteurs public et privé
Alors que l’avenir est à la certification des compétences à intervalles réguliers.
Les médecins seraient donc rémunérés au choix qui leur convient et au même niveau de revenu net avant impôt, soit en salaire, soit en honoraires, quel que soit leur lieu d’exercice privé ou public dans les territoires
👉Un nouveau rôle dans les entreprises : Chief Health Officer (Salesforce)
I'm a fan of Chief Health Officer as the title for this new role.
“Health” is your state today — it’s the lack of disease. I want companies to have a program where they think about their employees’ productivity and health every day.
📚 Livres & vidéos
👉 “Dormir sans larmes”, mes notes de jeune papa (Blog Alan). J'ai partagé ce week-end le résumé d'un des livres que j'ai lus sur le sommeil du nourrisson et qui avait quelques angles intéressants.
💚 Les publications d’Alan et sur Alan
👉 The Digitisation of Healthcare, by the Founder Forum (video). J’étais heureux d’être invité du Founder Forum (avec Babylon Health and Maven) pour parler de la manière dont Alan participe à la transformation du monde de la santé.
👉Les tests de dépistage de la Covid-19 après le 11 mai (blog Alan). Nous avons rassemblé dans cet article tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur les tests.
👉 Rebondir après le confinement (blog Alan), et optimiser la trésorerie de son entreprise, grâce aux conseils de Dougs, un cabinet d’experts-comptables en ligne.