Chaque semaine, je partage quelques articles que j’ai trouvés particulièrement enrichissants. J’espère qu’ils vous aideront autant qu’ils m’ont aidé.
Cette semaine:
Apple produit ses propres processeurs et fait des concessions sur l’App Store
Trump gèle les visas de travail
“Des évaluations sans stress, même à distance”, la méthode des reviews chez Alan
Minimum Loveable Product par Laurence McCahill
Comment les plus grosses apps “consummer” ont eu leur 1000 premiers utilisateurs
Certains articles sont en français, la plupart sont en anglais (je copie certaines citations en anglais). Ils ne sont pas tous récents et vont au rythme de mes lectures.
Bonne lecture !
Si vous aimez, vous pouvez vous inscrire, partager ou encore me suivre sur Twitter.
📱Monde des technologies
👉 L’Union Européenne ouvre une enquête antitrust sur l'App Store et Apple Pay (CNBC). Apple est notamment suspecté de mettre en avant ses propres apps (Apple Music, Books) et d’obliger l’usage d’Apple Pay pour les achats in-app.
👉 Apple fait 2 concessions sur l’AppStore (Apple). Les développeurs pourront faire appel si leur app n’a pas été approuvée et l’approbation des mises-à-jour sera facilitée, suite aux échanges avec HEY (de Basecamp).
👉 Apple abandonne Intel et va produire ses propres puces dans les Mac (NYT). On pourra donc utiliser les app iOS sur les futurs Mac.
👉 Excellente analyse de l’investissement d’Apple dans les chips et ce qu’a raté Intel (The Stratechery).
What is so disappointing about this excuse is that it runs directly counter to what made Intel great; in 1965, Bob Noyce, then at Fairchild Semiconductor, shocked the semiconductor world by announcing that Fairchild would price its integrated circuit products at $1, despite the fact it cost Fairchild far more than that to produce them.
What Noyce understood is that the integrated circuit market was destined to explode, and that by setting a low price Fairchild would not only accelerate that growth, but also drive down its costs far more quickly than it might have otherwise (chips, remember, are effectively zero marginal cost items; the primary costs are the capital costs of setting up manufacturing lines).
👉 Shopify et Walmart font une intégration ensemble (The Stratechery). J’ai beaucoup aimé cette citation :
What is most interesting is the Shopify angle. On one hand, this is a no-brainer; Shopify has a similar integration with Amazon. At the same time, helping merchants sell on platforms with non-Shopify payment systems raises all of the same concerns I discussed in the context of Facebook: capped upside, fewer opportunities for revenue expansion, etc. That, though, doesn't mean this isn’t the right thing to do: Shopify’s upside is from there being more independent merchants, not from maximizing its revenue per merchant, and the best way to ensure there are more merchants is by maniacally focusing on maximizing the upside potential of its merchants, even if Shopify’s upside isn’t immediately apparent.
👉 Trump gèle les visas de travail H1B (NYT), ce qui va empêcher des milliers d’employés tech de venir aux USA. Ce décret s’applique jusqu’à fin 2020 et pourra être prolongé.
🏯Construire une entreprise
👉 Minimum Lovable Product (Laurence McCahill)
If you’ve delivered a scaled-down, functional product but a second rate experience have you missed a trick to create an impression with your potential customers?
Consider every interaction with your potential customers an opportunity to make an impression on them.
MVP: The version of a new product that brings back the maximum amount of validated learning about your customers with the least effort.
MLP: The version of a new product that brings back the maximum amount of love from your early tribe members with the least effort.
The MLP should validate that people love your cake, will come back for more and tell their friends. And you’ve still started small so you’ve got room to manoeuvre.
Learning to say no is something you’ll need to get to grips with if you want a usable product.
By setting constraints on time and budget this forces you to reduce the scope.
Only focus on building features that relieve your customers’ pain and allow them to get their jobs done simply and easily.
Add surprise & delight.
Transform your product by making it remarkable. In Seth Godin’s words: “Be the purple cow in a field of monochrome Holsteins.” So don’t be a little bit different. Be very different. Don’t be so safe you’re easy to ignore. Give people a reason to talk.
👉 Comment les plus grosses apps “consummer” ont eu leur 1000 premiers utilisateurs (Lenny Rachitsky):
Just seven strategies account for every consumer apps’ early growth.
Most startups found their early users from just a single strategy.
The most popular strategies involve going to your user directly — online, offline, and through friends.Doing things that don’t scale.
To execute on any of these strategies, it’s important to first narrowly define your target user.
The tactics that you use to get your first 1,000 users are very different from your next 10,000.
Les 7 stratégies (lisez l’article pour de bons exemples) 1. Go where your target users are, offline. 2. Go where your target users are, online & Piggy-back off of an existing online community. 3. Invite your friends (see this Lyft email). 4. Create FOMO in order to drive word-of-mouth. 5. Leverage influencers. 6. Get press. 7. Build a community pre-launch.
👉 Un bon tip de 1-on-1 (Mathilde Collin)
I ask every person to share their responses to these questions with me at least 24 hours before our scheduled check in so I have time to prepare my feedback and work on their questions.
👉 Matt Mochary, le coach de la Silicon Valley (20VC Podcast)
Always ask written feedback after every interaction. Take actions based on it.
Focus on the things that energize you.
💚 Les publications d’Alan et sur Alan
👉 Comment nous gérons les évaluations chez Alan par Déborah Rippol (Blog Alan). Notre Head of Talent donne ses conseils pour les rendre moins anxiogènes et plus efficaces.
👉 Télétravail : comment adapter les missions RH ? (Blog Alan). Résumé de notre dernier webinar. Pour être au courant des prochains événements, cliquez ici 😊 Et pour regarder le replay, c’est par là !