Chaque semaine, je partage quelques articles que j’ai trouvés particulièrement enrichissants. J’espère qu’ils vous aideront autant qu’ils m’ont aidé.
Cette semaine (entre autres) :
Les grandes entreprises technologiques surperforment
Le texte lu par Jeff Bezos devant le “house committee”
Comment avoir des très bons 1on1s
Healthy Business en version papier sur Amazon 🎁
Certains articles sont en français, la plupart sont en anglais (je copie certaines citations en anglais). Ils ne sont pas tous récents et vont au rythme de mes lectures.
Bonne lecture !
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📱Monde des technologies
👉 Histoire amusante sur le drapeau de pirates d’Apple et ce qu’il représentait (Folklore)
👉 Les principales entreprises technologiques dévoilent un chiffre d’affaire au dessus des prévisions.
Les grandes entreprises technologiques, dont Facebook, Apple, Amazon et Google, ont annoncé cette semaine des bénéfices dépassant généralement les attentes et soulignant leur ténacité au milieu de la pandémie mondiale. Au cours du dernier trimestre l'économie américaine s'est contractée de plus de 30 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Durant ce même semestre, Facebook et Apple ont chacun annoncé une hausse de 11 % de leur chiffre d'affaires trimestriel par rapport à l'année précédente, Amazon une hausse de 40 % et Alphabet une baisse de 2 %, soit sa première baisse de chiffre d'affaires trimestriel dans l'histoire de la société.
👉 Les implications de passer d’un design “classique” à un design AI-first (Venture Beat)
“This means that the experience of a user stops being static and becomes something that is dynamically generated — the user experience, we can now generate on the spot,” Tessel said. “You need to think about those many experiences that you can stitch together, so how you write the app is very different as a developer because you started from a very predictable flow to one that is personalized to the user and that is unpredictable.”
🏯Construire une entreprise
👉 Le texte que Jeff Bezos a lu devant le “House Committee” (Amazon)
He taught me that you can take on hard problems. When you have a setback, you get back up and try again. You can invent your way to a better place. When I’m 80 and reflecting back, I want to have minimized the number of regrets that I have in my life. And most of our regrets are acts of omission—the things we didn’t try, the paths untraveled.
From our founding through the end of 2001, our business had cumulative losses of nearly $3 billion, and we did not have a profitable quarter until the fourth quarter of that year.
In 1999, after we’d been in business for nearly five years, Barron’s headlined a story about our impending demise “Amazon.bomb.”
And it wasn’t just those early years. In addition to good luck and great people, we have been able to succeed as a company only because we have continued to take big risks. To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment. Outsized returns come from betting against conventional wisdom, but conventional wisdom is usually right.
No one asked for AWS. It turned out the world was ready and hungry for cloud computing but didn’t know it yet. We were right about AWS, but the truth is we’ve also taken plenty of risks that didn’t pan out. In fact, Amazon has made billions of dollars of failures. Failure inevitably comes along with invention and risk-taking, which is why we try to make Amazon the best place in the world to fail.
Because customers are always beautifully, wonderfully dissatisfied, even when they report being happy and business is great. Even when they don’t yet know it, customers want something better, and a constant desire to delight customers drives us to constantly invent on their behalf. As a result, by focusing obsessively on customers, we are internally driven to improve our services, add benefits and features, invent new products, lower prices, and speed up shipping times—before we have to. No customer ever asked Amazon to create the Prime membership program, but it sure turns out they wanted it. Since my first shareholder letter in 1997, we make decisions based on the long-term value we create as we invent to meet customer needs.
When we think our critics are right, we change. When we make mistakes, we apologize. But when you look in the mirror, assess the criticism, and still believe you’re doing the right thing, no force in the world should be able to move you.
Back in 1999, we took what at the time was the unprecedented step of welcoming third-party sellers into our stores and enabling them to offer their products right alongside our own. Internally, this was extremely controversial, with many disagreeing and some predicting this would be the beginning of a long, losing battle. We didn’t have to invite third-party sellers into the store. We could have kept this valuable real estate for ourselves. ... Third-party sales now account for approximately 60% of physical product sales on Amazon, and those sales are growing faster than Amazon’s own retail sales.
It was only by focusing on supporting sellers and giving them the best tools we could invent that we were able to succeed and eventually surpass eBay.
Let me close by saying that I believe Amazon should be scrutinized. We should scrutinize all large institutions, whether they’re companies, government agencies, or non-profits. Our responsibility is to make sure we pass such scrutiny with flying colors.
👉 Comment avoir des très bons 1on1s selon Andy Grove (Lighthouse)
Grove wrote that over and over he found that it was somewhere around the 20 to 30 minutes mark of a one on one that “heart to heart” topics tended to come up.
Also remember: you have power over your team as their manager. No matter how much rapport you have built with them, it can still be intimidating to bring a problem or bad news to you.
Grove considers most important to cover: “issues that preoccupy and nag the subordinate.”
Taking the time to teach them what to expect in a one on one and what makes a good agenda is a smart investment of your time.
“The meeting should also cover anything important that has happened since the last meeting: current hiring problems, people problems in general, organizational problems and future plans, and – very, very important – potential problems.”
🏥 Santé
👉 Apple ne veut pas que les utilisateurs de la Watch stressent, et donc ne mesurent pas de données précises (CNBC)
Apple decided to focus its efforts on setting and achieving simple goals, rather than collecting and analyzing data about a user's sleep habits.
Sleep medicine experts, who are wary of arming consumers with too much information without sufficient context, told CNBC that it's one of the better approaches out there.
The perils of too much data: too much information can also create negative outcomes. Experts recently coined a new condition called "orthosomnia," which involves a person becoming so preoccupied with getting the perfect sleep via wearable devices that they develop sleep-related anxiety.
Apple's Lynch suggested that information collected via smartwatches about sleep isn't always accurate.
So the company has provided very minimal data about sleep duration and sleep quality. It's possible to see periods of wakefulness and sleep, but not the most detailed information around sleep cycles.
Instead, Apple asks Apple Watch wearers to set a goal around how much sleep they'd like to get, and then nudges them to wind down before they go to bed.
"In general, consumers are looking for tools to improve, not for tools to measure".
One of the new features involves a setting called Wind Down, which is designed to help users get to bed earlier. The idea is that people can set up a bedtime routine with their watch, including using a meditation app while the screen darkens and notifications are muted. (...) Apple's Lynch said that the company put a lot of thought into Wind Down because it got consistent feedback from users that their biggest challenge was bedtime.
👉 Accolade s’introduit en bourse à une valorisation d’1.2Md$ (GeekWire)
Health benefits platform Accolade made its initial public offering Thursday morning, (...) raising $220 million at a valuation of $1.2 billion in its debut on the Nasdaq stock market.
The 1,200-person company helps employees at its client companies navigate their health benefits, with the help of health assistants who work directly with members and can call on nurses and other clinicians as needed.
Employers are charged a subscription fee based on the total number of employees.
💚 Les publications d’Alan et sur Alan
🎁 Healthy Business : culture d’entreprise, bien-être, excellence est maintenant disponible en précommande en version papier sur Amazon 🎁